Each month we feature a Chef of Chef Works®. If you’re a fan of Chef Works gear and are interested in being featured, email marketing@chefworks.ca. Pictured above is our Chef of Chef Works this month, Chef Laura Panarese, Chef and Food Designer at STILE, private dining at Speducci Mercatto, in her Hartford Women’s Chef Jacket.
Chef Works: Tell us “a-ha” moment when you wanted to be a chef…
Laura Panarese: I began my love of cooking in my childhood years growing up in Salento, Puglia, Italy. I studied art and achieved great success in fashion. However, my passion for the art of cuisine grew stronger when I had successful evening events as my secondary source of income.
Chef Works: What’s the most rewarding part about your job?
Laura Panarese: Like most chefs, one of the most rewarding parts of being in the kitchen is seeing the reaction on people’s faces when they have their first bite as if there is an explosion in their mouth. In addition, it is the safest and most relaxing space for me to be in the kitchen, stirring and chopping while listening to my music.
Chef Works: Who was your greatest culinary influence?
Laura Panarese: After the loss of my father, I grew to watch my mother making fresh and remarkable pasta and dishes in amazement. I also always look up to Master Chef Gualtero Marchesi (Milano, Italy), who I fortunately had the privilege to learn many skills with at his academy.
Chef Works: You can only have breakfast, lunch or dinner food for the rest of your life. Which do you choose and why?
Laura Panarese: Dinner would be my choice, as I enjoy relaxing with some delicious homemade traditional dishes accompanied by a glass of vino at the end of the day.
Chef Works: If you weren’t a chef, what would you be doing?
Laura Panarese: I could never see myself not hands-on cutting fresh herbs while stirring a traditional sauce. However, if I do not have a choice, I would most definitely dive right back into my second passion in Fashion and Art.
Chef Works: Your all-time favourite culinary tip…
Laura Panarese: Use 3 ingredients in any dish you cook, fresh herbs, seasonal ingredients and the product you want to cook.
Chef Works: How does your culinary uniform make you feel?
Laura Panarese: Wearing my chef uniform is part of my style and passion in my day to day, being in the kitchen or going to the grocery store.
To learn more about Chef Laura Panarese, visit her profiles:
- Website: https://cucinato.ca/
- Facebook: Laura Panarese
- Instagram: @lauraxpanarese_
Photo of Chef Laura credit goes to @FelipeGombossy
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